Clinton College is a HBCU located in Rock Hill, SC with over 125 years of educational excellence. Summary The Director of Maintenance at Clinton...
“Lucid Bots was very professional and respectful when it came to the job. The before and after pictures were simply amazing and we didn’t realize just how dirty our roofs really were. The members and club are very happy with the new look and we look forward to utilizing Lucid for our future exterior cleaning needs.”– John Williams, Director of Maintenance & Facilities, The Peninsula Club
Clinton College is a HBCU located in Rock Hill, SC with over 125 years of educational excellence. Summary The Director of Maintenance at Clinton...
What is soft wash roof cleaning? As a business service contractor, facilities manager, or roof washing company, there’s no doubt that you are aware...
With the rise of new technologies and sciences, it's not surprising that many people are hesitant about embracing drones for their business needs.