- Case Study -

University of North Carolina at Charlotte.


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) faced a common challenge: the need to maintain its buildings’ exterior cleanliness.



Executive Summary

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) faced a common challenge: the need to maintain its buildings’ exterior cleanliness, particularly at the Miltmore Hall. The traditional methods of using large lifts for window cleaning and exterior maintenance posed significant challenges, including potential damage to landscaping and buildings, as well as being costly and time-consuming. Seeking innovative solutions, UNCC turned to Lucid Bots, a leading provider of drone-based cleaning technology, to revolutionize its approach to exterior cleaning.

  • Damage Avoidance: UNCC wanted an exterior cleaning solution that would not damage the landscaping and buildings around the Miltmore Hall, a concern commonly associated with the use of large lifts.

  • Cost and Time Efficiency: The traditional approach of renting a large lift for the Miltmore Hall would be both costly and time-consuming. UNCC aimed to find a more efficient and cost-effective solution.

  • Lasting Results: UNCC sought a solution that would provide lasting results, particularly in window cleaning, which often requires frequent maintenance due to the climate and environmental conditions from surrounding trees.


UNCC chose to partner with Lucid Bots to address their unique challenges. Lucid Bots proposed the use of their innovative Sherpa Drone for exterior cleaning, combined with their proprietary window cleaning payload for increased efficiency.

One UNCC facilities staff member expressed their satisfaction with the results, stating, "I just came from Miltimore, and we both agree that the building is a 100% improvement!



The results of UNCC’s collaboration with Lucid Bots were nothing short of remarkable. The Miltmore Hall's exterior, especially its windows, saw a significant transformation:

  • Cost Savings: By opting for the Sherpa Drone with window cleaning payload, UNCC saved a substantial amount of money compared to renting a large lift, which would have been both expensive and labor-intensive.

  • Time Efficiency: The drone’s efficiency reduced the project’s duration to just a few days, allowing for minimal disruption to the building’s occupants.

  • Lasting Results: The application of cleaning chemicals ensured that the cleaned windows remained clear and clean for an extended period, reducing the frequency of maintenance.



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